Exceptional Treatment for Active Recovery

Chiropractic care is a critical component in the journey to wellness, especially for those recovering from injury, or surgery, or managing chronic pain. Our clinic’s experts are not only experts in their field but are also experienced in a broad range of treatment modalities designed to keep you active and support your recovery.

Highly Qualified Experts

Each of our specialists comes with a substantial background of education and practical experience. Their expertise is built on solid foundations of advanced degrees and certifications, coupled with years of treating patients with a variety of conditions and injuries.

Customized Treatment Approaches in Woodbridge

Recognizing that every patient has unique needs, our therapists specialize in creating customized treatment plans. These plans are meticulously developed to address the individual’s specific injuries, surgical recovery needs, or chronic conditions, ensuring a more effective and personal recovery experience.

Comprehensive Treatment Spectrum

We take pride in our therapists’ versatility and their ability to provide an extensive range of treatments. Below are some of the core treatment types offered by our expert therapists.

What We Treat

Back Pain and Sciatica

Whether sharp localized aches or numbness/tingling radiating through the legs, problematic spinal symptoms demand prompt attention before escalating to more debilitating levels.


Balance and Gait Disorders

Our Balance and Gait Disorders services are designed for both men and women, who experience challenges with balance, stability, or walking patterns. Whether…


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand and wrist? You may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, a common condition that …


Dizziness and Vertigo

Do you suddenly feel like the room is spinning when lying down or turning over in bed? Do you lose balance performing routine motions like bending to tie shoes? Dysfunctional connections between your eyes..


Elbow, Wrist, or Hand Pain

Do you wince when grasping objects due to hand stiffness or pain? Do simple motions like stirring a pot cause forearm muscles to fatigue rapidly?


Foot or Ankle Pain

Do you wince with each step due to ankle stiffness or plantar foot pain? Many factors from arthritis to overuse wear can provoke lower limb discomfort hindering stability and mobility.



Headaches are a common problem affecting millions of people worldwide. From tension headaches caused by stress and muscle tension to migraines triggered by various factors..


Hip & Knee pain

The hip and knee endure tremendous repetitive multidirectional stresses daily from walking, bending, rotating and even sitting leading to accumulated microtrauma over years..


Motor Vehicle Accident

Have you been involved in a car accident and are now struggling with pain, stiffness, or reduced mobility? At Dr. Mac’s Wellness & Weight Loss Center in Woodbridge, our experienced chiropractors..


Neck Pain

Whether gradually creeping up or suddenly sharp after awkward sleeping, problematic neck symptoms demand attention before escalating to more widespread headaches or upper back..


Nerve Pain

Does your entire leg painfully surge with tingling after simply sitting too long? Or does back discomfort extend down into your toes making walking exhausting? You are not alone. Millions endure..


Pre-Post Surgery

Our advanced orthopedic therapists equip patients with customized strength, flexibility and education protocols both before and after surgery – accelerating recoveries by addressing weaknesses…


Pre/Post Partum

Pregnancy and childbirth are some of the most incredible and transformative experiences a woman can go through. As your body changes to accommodate your growing baby, you may…


Rotator Cuff Tears

A rotator cuff tear is a common shoulder injury that affects the muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint. These muscles and tendons form the rotator cuff, which helps you move your arm..


Shoulder Pain

Whether gradually creeping up or suddenly sharp after reaching backwards, problematic shoulder symptoms demand attention before escalating to more widespread dysfunction.


Sports Injuries

Bumps and blows simply represent the price competitive athletes and committed weekend warriors pay, ticking off bucket list event finish lines long enough until suddenly that knee twist


Work Injuries

Whether you’re dealing with a sudden strain from heavy lifting or chronic pain from repetitive motions, our Work Injuries services are designed to provide effective relief and help you get …


A Focus on Active Lifestyles

We believe in not just treating the condition but also in promoting an active lifestyle that can prevent future injuries. Our therapists provide education on injury prevention and lifestyle modifications to keep you moving and enjoying the activities you love.

Evidence-Based Practice in Woodbridge

Staying abreast of the latest research is paramount in our practice. Our therapists employ evidence-based techniques to ensure that our patients benefit from the most current and scientifically supported treatments available.

Your Partner in Health

Our therapists view themselves as your partner in health. They are dedicated to not only assisting you in recovery but also in maintaining and enhancing your overall physical well-being for the long term.